Terms & Conditions
The term ‘Company’ shall mean JAG Arboriculture Consultancy
The term ‘Client’ shall mean person or persons who have authorized the contract
The term ‘Contract’ shall mean the formal agreement between the client and the company
1.1 Contracts
All tree related contracts undertaken shall be confirmed on a written quotation under the company’s heading. All consultancy shall be subject to the objectives and limitations listed on that particular report. Variations to contract can only be accepted in writing, and added to the original quotation and/or report after the initial survey and inspection and at an extra cost.
JAG Arboriculture Consultancy issues all quotations, and carries out all consultancy works on the understanding that the client, as specified, is the current owner of any tree(s), property or land, and has their permission to so act. In certain cases, we may require written proof of this fact along with a copy for our records.
1.2 Tree Surveys & Inspections
All surveys and inspections are based on an elementary visual inspection of each of the specified trees from the ground level. Each inspection details obvious tree defects and potential risks to the property and/or neighbouring properties, the client and/or the general public. Where applicable, trees that are beyond the property boundaries that may have a sphere of influence upon that property, will be included in the report.
1.3 Limits & Restrictions of Surveys & Reports
With certain reports, the client may wish to specify the tree(s) to be surveyed, and so vary the number of trees (refer to 1.4). In such cases JAG Arboriculture Consultancy can accept no liability for trees that have not been inspected during the initial survey. All reports are based on the information available at the time of inspection. They are a snapshot in time of the tree(s) and their surroundings, and are closely related to the tree condition (structural integrity, health and safety). Alterations in site conditions such as further building/excavation change of soil levels and drainage etc, could be detrimental to the general condition of the tree(s) and would invalidate the findings of the report. Future local climate trends cannot be predicted but may affect future tree management considerations. The report is valid for a period of 12 months. If required the presence of underground services will be noted where they fall within the current radius of the tree(s).
1.4 Standard Tree Inspection Report or Mortgage Report
This type of report includes a site survey and inspection of up to a maximum of 5 trees that may have a sphere of influence over the property. The report will include individual inspections and assessments of each tree specified, future management recommendations and a sketch map. If it is necessary for the report to encompass more than 5 trees, each additional tree will be charged at a rate of £55.00 per tree.
1.5 Tree Management Report
With large estates, such as schools containing many trees (20+) the report includes a structured management plan covering a specified period. The report outlines how trees can be managed individually or as groups with a view to health and safety, visual amenity and the overall impact on their surroundings. General information of the site will be necessary to ascertain the scope and scale of the survey and report.
1.6 Pre-Purchase Report
This is similar in format to the Standard Tree Inspection Report. It is a proactive service for estate agents and purchasers of properties, whereby it is advisable that properties with significant trees within the grounds or adjacent to the boundary line are surveyed. Unless otherwise specified, the client should allow 10 working days after the date of the site survey for completion of the report (Refer to Payment 1.15).
1.7 Tree Evaluation
The ISCA plant valuation method or the Helliwell system of amenity tree assessment are used to determine a tree’s amenity value and it’s importance to the surrounding landscape. Using this system, a monetary value can be attached to each tree surveyed. This may be invaluable for the purposes of planning applications, appeals, litigation involving trees and to identify underlying property values. A fee of £120.00 per tree will be charged for this service.
1.8 Investigation and Planning Restrictions
Client should be aware that trees may be subject to local planning authority restrictions and/or deeds of covenant. JAG Arboricultural Consultancy will usually undertake investigation of their existence.
1.9 Measurements
All measurements are expressed in metres except for DBH (Diameter of trunk at Breast Height in millimetres). Due to the type of inspection (refer to 1.2 Tree Surveys & Inspections) all measurements for the height and crown radius of trees are approximate.
1.10 Map
All locations on maps are approximate. If Ordnance Survey quality maps or plans are required these can be provided at a cost of £25-50 per plan/map.
1.11 Cancellations
JAG Arboriculture Consultancy reserves the right to charge a fee of 50% of the quoted price, should the client fail to arrange access to the site on the date and time specified. Should the report be cancelled after the site has been surveyed 75% of the quoted fee will be charged.
1.12 Payment
JAG Arboriculture Consultancy will raise an invoice on completion of the survey, allowing for payment to be sent and the report forwarded to the client.
1.13 Acceptance of Quotation
JAG Arboriculture Consultancy understands that a client has accepted the company’s quotation and terms and conditions contained herein when contact is made with a representative of the company, and an initial survey date agreed.
1.14 Safety at Work & Industry Standards
As a progressive company we are in touch with all research relating to arboriculture. All observations, recommendations and works are based on the current standards, in particular: BS 3998: 1989 (British Standard Recommendations for Tree Work): BS 5837: 2005 (Trees in Relation to Construction): A Risk Limitation Strategy for Tree Root Claims (unpublished: London Tree Officers Association): Arboricultural Advisory and Information Service (A.A.I.S) research notes, the Environmental Protection Act 1984 and the Control of pollution Act 1974. All tree safety, hazard and structural assessments undertaken during surveys or inspections either on single trees or multiples of trees, use the methodology ‘Tree Risk Management’ (Smiley, Fraedrich, Hendrickson 2002), and Principles of Tree Hazard Assessment & Management (HMSO Lonsdale 1999) and as a basic, employ the VTA Methodology suggested by (Mattheck 1997). This format may be specifically detailed in text related to reports on single and smaller groups of trees but will be implicit for large scale surveys unless specified to the contrary by the client.
1.15 Amendments to Reports
Following the release of a report, if it becomes necessary to amend a report due to inadequate information not being provided prior to the report being completed, a £50.00 amendment fee will apply.