Advice on Protected Trees, Tree Preservation Order – TPOs

Tree Preservation Order

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is made to protect an individual tree or population of trees which are deemed to benefit a local area. They are put in place by local planning authorities, and once in place, it becomes a criminal act to cut down or damage the tree or trees in question.

I can provide you with advice and recommendations relating to TPOs. If you want to know whether a tree or population of trees in your area is protected by a TPO, I can carry out the necessary research for you. I can also help with a TPO application if you are concerned about the welfare of trees in your area.

As I am based in the Midlands and London, I am able to quickly provide a tree survey report to my clients throughout England at a competitive price.

For a quote, please submit your inquiry here, or if you prefer, ring 07792096453.

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