Ramorum Disease Of Larch
- Ramorum is a fungal pathogen
- Spores from the fungal pathogen gain entry through the bark and needles
- In Autumn the foliage turns grey/black
- Rusty coloured patches on the trunk and branches
- Partial flushing in the spring
- Gingering foliage
- Sudden unexplained die-back
- This disease can quickly kill a tree and rapidly wipe out a stand of trees
- This disease is easily spread infecting nearby mature trees
- Many other plants are also susceptible
- Moist air currents due to sustained wet weather can cause this disease to spread more rapidly.
What to do
- It can be hard to identify whether a tree has this disease, there are many other things that can cause some of the above symptoms. Therefore it is prudent to notify a professional.
Report any suspicious symptoms to: forestry.gov.uk/england