Shoot Blight Of Cedar – Sirococcus strobilinus
Current Situation
- A number of locations throughout the UK has seen infections in Atlantic Cedar caused by Sirococcus strobilinus
Closely Related Fungal Pathogens
- conigenus sensu stricto
- tsugae hitherto
- piceicola
Susceptible Species
- Cedrus Atlantica (Atlas cedar)
- deodara
- Hemlocks (Tsuga heterophylla and T. mertensiana) – Eastern hemlock (T. canadensis)
How It Spreads – A sexual spores are distributed by:
- Rain splash
- Strong winds
- Seeds
- Planting stock
- Cut foliage
Symptoms – In the spring trees display:
- Dead needles on the shoots, dead shoots.
- The dead needles have a characteristic ‘pink’ colour
- Needles and shoots become brown as the season progresses
- The fungus can be seen on dead needles
- Canker in branches
- Change of colour in branches from green to dark red/purple
- In some cases resin bleeding can be observed
- During the winter months and into the spring the fungus can be seen on the surface of cankers
- The phloem tissue can have brown lesions.
- Could be a threat to ornamental trees in parks and large gardens
- Currently no available treatment
Current Status
- Listed in the European Union’s Plant Health Directive